Dance Classes start Monday, August 19, 2019 - We Look Forward to Dancing With You!
DreamCatcher’s is gearing up for another great season of dance - we're happy to have you join us. Here are a few tips to make sure everything goes smoothly on the first day back. As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at Be sure to check the studio's dress code to see what clothing and shoes you will need for your class.
Here are 5 helpful suggestions to make the first day of dance class a success!

1) Be a little early: The first day of class can be hectic. Try to be at least 15 minutes early for the first few classes. This gives you time to park the car, and get oriented. It also gives your dancer a chance to use the bathroom, change clothes and put on shoes. Please park your car in designated areas only.
Check out our video for drop off and pick up instructions! Of course, you are welcome to walk any of your dancers in! Please only enter through the EAST ENTRANCE (closest to the train tracks) and exit through the WEST EXIT. This will help with the flow of traffic.
2) Be ready to dance: Be sure to check the studio's dress code at Dancers should be dressed in the appropriate dance clothes and shoes for class with their hair pulled back away from their face. Be sure your dancer uses the restroom before class and leave enough time for them to make a bathroom stop and be on time for class. Remember to bring a water bottle - since we are on well water, we do not have a working water fountain.
3) Label everything: It is very easy for things to get left behind or put into the wrong dancer's bag. Write your child's name in any item that will be brought into the dance room. These items include shoes, skirts, dance bags and dance sweaters.
4) Bring only what you need: Items such as toys, jewelry, and tablets should be left at home. Street shoes may not been worn on the studio floors. Water is the only beverage allowed on the studio floors - students are not allowed to chew gum during class. ALL FOOD AND DRINK MUST STAY IN THE KITCHEN. Please help us keep our new studio looking it's best!
5) Know our studio & classroom etiquette:
Food/drink stays in the kitchen
The coffee bar is all yours, but please keep it in the kitchen
No peeking through the curtains or letting siblings peek in the curtains - this is extremely distracting to dancers
Please keep an eye on your other children & know where they are at all times
Crying/upset siblings need to be taken to the restroom, outside, or to your car - our studio is very open and crying children disrupts classes
Please use waiting room voices
TVs are available to view all classes so no parents will be allowed in the classrooms
Announcements will be held at the end of classes out in the lobby
Most important notices will be sent through e-mail. Please be sure we have an up-to-date e-mail address on file for you. Also, please visit the website and take a look around. Answers to many important questions can be found on the site.
We are looking forward to dancing with you this season. We are happy to have you as part of our community!
- DreamCatcher's Dance & Tumbling Staff